SAGA.shapes_grid.8: Grid Statistics for Points
For each given point statistics based on all grid cells in the defined neighbourhood will be calculated.
Execute End Point
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{"id": "SAGA.shapes_grid.8", "title": "Grid Statistics for Points", "description": "For each given point statistics based on all grid cells in the defined neighbourhood will be calculated.", "version": "1.0.0", "jobControlOptions": ["sync-execute", "async-execute", "dismiss"], "outputTransmission": ["value", "reference"], "links": [{"rel": "", "type": "application/json", "title": "Execute End Point", "href": ""}, {"rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html", "title": "Execute End Point", "href": ""}], "inputs": {"GRIDS": {"title": "Grids", "description": "Grids", "maxOccurs": 1024, "extended-schema": {"type": "array", "minItems": 1, "maxItems": 1024, "items": {"oneOf": [{"allOf": [{"$ref": ""}, {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"enum": ["image/tiff", "application/x-ogc-envi", "application/x-ogc-aaigrid", "image/png"]}}}]}, {"type": "object", "required": ["value"], "properties": {"value": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "image/tiff"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/x-ogc-envi"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/x-ogc-aaigrid"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "image/png"}]}}}]}}, "schema": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "image/tiff"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/x-ogc-envi"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/x-ogc-aaigrid"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "image/png"}]}, "id": "GRIDS"}, "POINTS": {"title": "Points", "description": "Points", "extended-schema": {"oneOf": [{"allOf": [{"$ref": ""}, {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"enum": ["text/xml", "application/", "application/json"]}}}]}, {"type": "object", "required": ["value"], "properties": {"value": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "utf-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/"}, {"type": "object"}]}}}]}, "schema": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "utf-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "application/"}, {"type": "object"}]}, "id": "POINTS"}, "KERNEL_TYPE": {"title": "Kernel Type", "description": "Kernel Type", "schema": {"type": "string", "default": "square", "enum": ["square", "circle"], "nullable": true}, "id": "KERNEL_TYPE"}, "KERNEL_SIZE": {"title": "Kernel Size", "description": "kernel size defined as radius number of cells", "schema": {"type": "integer", "default": 1, "nullable": true}, "id": "KERNEL_SIZE"}, "NAMING": {"title": "Field Naming", "description": "Field Naming", "schema": {"type": "string", "default": "grid name", "enum": ["grid number", "grid name"], "nullable": true}, "id": "NAMING"}, "COUNT": {"title": "Number of Cells", "description": "Number of Cells", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "COUNT"}, "MIN": {"title": "Minimum", "description": "Minimum", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "MIN"}, "MAX": {"title": "Maximum", "description": "Maximum", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "MAX"}, "RANGE": {"title": "Range", "description": "Range", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "RANGE"}, "SUM": {"title": "Sum", "description": "Sum", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "SUM"}, "MEAN": {"title": "Mean", "description": "Mean", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "MEAN"}, "VAR": {"title": "Variance", "description": "Variance", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "VAR"}, "STDDEV": {"title": "Standard Deviation", "description": "Standard Deviation", "schema": {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "enum": ["true", "false"], "nullable": true}, "id": "STDDEV"}, "QUANTILE": {"title": "Quantile", "description": "Calculate distribution quantiles. 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Display original data as JSON Last modified: Sat Feb 19 15:43:34 CET 2022