OTB.HaralickTextureExtraction: Computes Haralick textural features on the selected channel of the input image
This application computes three sets of Haralick features [1][2]. * simple: a set of 8 local Haralick features: Energy (texture uniformity) , Entropy (measure of randomness of intensity image), Correlation (how correlated a pixel is to its neighborhood), Inverse Difference Moment (measures the texture homogeneity), Inertia (intensity contrast between a pixel and its neighborhood), Cluster Shade, Cluster Prominence, Haralick Correlation; * advanced: a set of 10 advanced Haralick features : Mean, Variance (measures the texture heterogeneity), Dissimilarity, Sum Average, Sum Variance, Sum Entropy, Difference of Entropies, Difference of Variances, IC1, IC2; * higher: a set of 11 higher Haralick features : Short Run Emphasis (measures the texture sharpness), Long Run Emphasis (measures the texture roughness), Grey-Level Nonuniformity, Run Length Nonuniformity, Run Percentage (measures the texture sharpness homogeneity), Low Grey-Level Run Emphasis, High Grey-Level Run Emphasis, Short Run Low Grey-Level Emphasis, Short Run High Grey-Level Emphasis, Long Run Low Grey-Level Emphasis and Long Run High Grey-Level Emphasis.
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