Intersects: Intersects test
This service shall return a true value if and only if the geometries g1 and g2 have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points.
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{"id": "Intersects", "title": "Intersects test", "description": "This service shall return a true value if and only if the geometries g1 and g2 have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points.", "version": "2.0.0", "jobControlOptions": ["sync-execute", "async-execute", "dismiss"], "outputTransmission": ["value", "reference"], "links": [{"rel": "", "type": "application/json", "title": "Execute End Point", "href": ""}, {"rel": "alternate", "type": "text/html", "title": "Execute End Point", "href": ""}], "inputs": {"InputEntity1": {"title": "the first geometry ", "description": "the first geometry to compare against.", "extended-schema": {"oneOf": [{"allOf": [{"$ref": ""}, {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"enum": ["text/xml", "text/xml"]}}}]}, {"type": "object", "required": ["value"], "properties": {"value": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "UTF-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}]}}}]}, "schema": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "UTF-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}]}, "id": "InputEntity1"}, "InputEntity2": {"title": "the other geometry", "description": "the other geometry to compare against.", "extended-schema": {"oneOf": [{"allOf": [{"$ref": ""}, {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"enum": ["text/xml", "text/xml"]}}}]}, {"type": "object", "required": ["value"], "properties": {"value": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "UTF-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}]}}}]}, "schema": {"oneOf": [{"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "UTF-8", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}, {"type": "string", "contentEncoding": "base64", "contentMediaType": "text/xml", "contentSchema": "http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd"}]}, "id": "InputEntity2"}}, "outputs": {"Result": {"title": "Contains result", "description": "A value true or false if the geometry1 contains the geometry2.", "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, "metadata": [{"title": "Mon test "}], "id": "Result"}}}
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